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17 years of mortgage marketing knowledge
Lender Design was founded by Jeff Murray in 2003. Jeff is a trained graphic design professional with 17 years of experience. Prior to forming Lender Design, Jeff was the Senior Graphic Designer of the Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Personal Marketing Group (1995 - 2000). Since 2004, Lender Design has been one of the best sources for personalized mortgage marketing tools. There are now more than 400 different marketing and communication tools offered by Lender Design, though the Lender Design Membership.
hundreds of professional marketing designs
The Lender Design Membership offers just about every marketing and communication tool a mortgage professional could ever need. The service is offered online and members are allowed to download, save and print any of the more than 400 different tools Lender Design has created over the years. All of the materials are automatically personalized with the member's contact information, photo and company logo.
The best $99/yr mortgage marketing service you can get.

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